Cascadia Digital Patch 1.0.6

Cascadia Digital Patch 1.0.6

Today’s Cascadia Digital patch introduces a number of small fixes for issues identified by the community.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed various scoring display issues.
  • Challenges that grant unique bonus points should now have their points correctly calculated on the scoring screen.
  • Various localization fixes and improvements.
  • Removed duplicate results that could display for online asynch matches.
  • Improved the positioning of the arrow that points to the end turn button in the tutorial.


  • Improved the visibility of wildlife token hinting.
  • UI scale settings are now saved across sessions.
  • The Cascadia icon should now display the correct size when seen in push notifications.
  • Improved layout of match history column headers.
  • Fixed a layering issue with prompts that appear when you run out of time.
  • Gamepad Fixes and Improvements
  • Improved various automatic cursor movements for ease of play.
  • Fixed an issue in the tutorial where progression was blocked when using a gamepad.
  • Fixed duplicate text appearing during selections on the game creation screen.
  • Added button label to the player stats scrollbar.
  • Improved the timing of certain prompts in tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where a wildlife token could not be moved if placed on a habitat tile played in the same turn.
  • Addressed a situation where players were unable to return to the scoring screen after viewing their board.
  • Removed flashing cursor highlights that would appear between tutorial prompts.

Known Issues

  • Timing out during a turn can cause undesirable effects on the playmat in certain circumstances.
  • Investigating ruling around Wildlife token restrictions in Solo Scenario 13.
  • Placing 9 or more solitary Hawks results in Hawk A scoring 0 points instead of 26.
  • Points from Scoring Modifiers are not visually added in End of Game results for Daily Treks. However, the score is properly tracked for leaderboard scoring.

We appreciate your continued support and dedication to making Cascadia Digital the best experience it can be! If you encounter anything in game that seems a bit funky, drop us a line using the in-game feedback option, or via email to
Thanks for playing Cascadia Digital, and happy gaming!