CLANK! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated – Darkest Magic now on Backerkit
July 21, 2023Late pledges for Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated – Darkest Magic are now available on Backerkit. Existing backers can now customize their pledges and select any add-ons that they have been wanting to purchase via their survey email. Folks who missed the campaign are able to pledge late and access all of the benefits that being a backer grants!
If you are not sure what Backerkit is or why you should check it out, then please allow us to explain. Backerkit is a platform that lets backers manage their pledge, add more games or add-ons, and pay for shipping and taxes. Backerkit also allows those who may have missed the campaign to pledge for the same items that were offered during the Kickstarter campaign.
For anyone that missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, now is your chance to pledge and gain access to the same stretch goals and discounted add-ons that are available to Backers. Unlocked stretch goals are not available for separate purchase but can still be acquired via the late pledge option.
Add-ons for the Backerkit campaign are:
- Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated – Darkest Magic (Also available in French)
- Seven available designs of Clank! card sleeve bundles
- CLANK! Metallic Coins!
- CLANK! Metallic Cubes!
- CLANK! Metallic Cubes Part 2!
- Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated – Upper Management Pack
- Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated – The “C” Team Pack
If you pledged at the Intern level, you still have a chance to upgrade your pledge to Associate or higher and get one of the most anticipated board games of 2024.
If you are still wondering if Clank Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated – Darkest Magic is for you, check out what other people have to say about the CLANK! Legacy series.
“One of the best game experiences I have ever had in my life” – Suzanne, Salt & Sass Podcast
“Clank! Legacy 2 is a sequel of Empire Strikes Back proportions..” – Professor Meg
Clank! Legacy 2 : Acquisitions Incorporated – Darkest Magic will be available on Backerkit starting July 14
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