Eternal Leaderboards Chapter 25: Defiance

Eternal Leaderboards Chapter 25: Defiance

We’ve got our third set of players qualified for the Masters Challenges! Congrats to everyone who finished Chapter 25 in the Top 100 of Ranked or Draft!

Don’t forget: the Ranked Masters Challenge and the Draft Masters Challenge are separate events. Players who manage to qualify in both Ranked and Draft will be eligible to play in both Masters Challenges, and double their chances of making it to Worlds!

Chapter 26: Burning Hope is now underway, and we’ll be welcoming more qualified Masters Challenge players at the end of the month! So get out there and win your way up the Leaderboards, and we could be seeing you at Worlds!

Finish Ranked Draft
1 MrNoTimeMan Roby_LoD
2 TonyGeeeee moltenshark
3 1232132 ConcreteKid
4 VenocStorm DraftPunk
5 robotbc mgallop
6 Cosimo SwissStopwatch
7 Koiuyt Mysty
8 Alvar Gamer811
9 Almost Tangellos
10 Tobboo oneantic
11 ThufirHawat NorthernPolarity
12 Popotito ASHLEY_STONER68
13 Magikarp Spardee
14 RoninX OnePunch
15 patches115 gozuuu
16 TheBergund trippdup
17 Shmew Falkinator2000
18 Batteriez Fiend
19 ducknucked Jhensley
20 fuzzyfrog JoeBags
21 Macizo robotbc
22 Tikrit47 PhillyProton
23 DrPringles Nrausch1
24 blastard Warhamster
25 Kranima Magician15
26 JockeD Trogdor
27 ClubbingSealCub SecondBlue
28 ZZero ebsamson3
29 Porkhands dwiggy
30 aetherllama Toshi
31 kevin flossman32
32 AlwaysFace instantrunoffvote
33 SwissStopwatch Hisendam
34 EhCats EnclaveCryptologist
35 Handagote88 Tosamu
36 KeithPelig belon
37 Draconis91 Colacoma
38 Galwen Ninjapea
39 flippyflop drico
40 drizzt5623 Adam_Hen
41 y0ttabyte Stryder515
42 Shrek MrNoTimeMan
43 Kangbreath JonSnow54
44 Brilli slug360
45 isomorphic Pithius
46 Mullibok TinTim
47 Hashtag djinx
48 Unearthly Rhoefr
49 EinarOfBC Kcnabrev
50 Makia drogskoll
51 Kcnabrev EmperorBadger
52 carpola majorlazar
53 rewind Flintstone92
54 Flintstone92 JuliusNovachrono
55 Savas Gunner116
56 RoosterAfro respectfullyweird
57 NUMAROS ItsTenz
58 Fiend brlmski
59 Nolagold flash2351
60 Wenteros MaxPower
61 feingersh Grimfan
62 mookie Prince_Babar
63 jannenou Shotan
64 Skelle lesojan
65 EkiLdoG IamActuallyLvL1
66 Shotan RugHooper
67 Valara Orthodont
68 forceofwill Kaiser_Winhelm
69 Comet CyberPlayGround
70 Kartoffel eXtincti0n
71 Doc28 Matellite
72 CReee Coronin
73 TheMagician Ilyon
74 Khalejandro 我叫你一声你敢硬吗
75 Coopergfrye Delverino
76 CareFreeFRFC DrainSmith
77 tchamber5 CyclopianTomb
78 Danc1ngCam3l n3ther
79 Brohman jimAPear
80 Kherzur SpewinChunks
81 Hades DrZangief
82 darkrevenger InsaneKid
83 Pithius gluner
84 PapaCapricorn Kidlet1490
85 fatahlia LSVargas
86 irmaoac camat0
87 randomaction Drifter
88 Eetoo Upward
89 Porkylorky Niknil
90 DannyK matthewn
91 Nrausch1 Deejford
92 Rhoefr GaoNan
93 cellz meromorphic
94 IHateManaScrew AntMan
95 Ishan Longshot
96 Orthodont Tufford
97 Stryder515 BeherrscherPaule
98 Delverino SureMustBeNice
99 matthewn SecretCaveman
100 dystopia AndyGrey