Eternal Leaderboards: Chapter 91 – Renewed Faith

Eternal Leaderboards: Chapter 91 – Renewed Faith

Congrats to the Top 100!

Rank Throne Draft Expedition
1 pastuhowandrew Phoenix BlindBeard
2 zargothrax Bettorup FlyingFinn
3 chalmdawg Serus Lennon
4 SimpleBricks Thomas neonharvest
5 Tonychou Ifrit knife
6 MonkeyLovin PhillyProton shz632
7 Tatamoody KevixM Hakaisha7
8 beren aging_goblin MathPrincess
9 Azekeil dvinson80 Alargento
10 Warrior ItsTenz Bane320
11 Billywsh Imotep Azadriel
12 LAOUSAFAITMALE Kasendrith IamLob
13 RayCheng labrospaliopoulos gozuuu
14 CasaduOyuncu Greenspark Bougredane
15 danilo1979 bossie appleslice
16 Moonzeman Pachi Cenmaster
17 Slepher Pekanniska 战斗力只有5的渣渣
18 Hakaisha7 MegaKingSlayer orgg07
19 GGCATAM LucidIguana BaranHill
20 J-zap Shiva Micra
21 Irunbad Tremblor Gondi2Bck2Party
22 Zoletan schnda CorpT
23 Ricky Paulz chaos ButchQueenBrian
24 Player2023 KStolin ncyas
25 噫啊嗷啊尧 spyderwebbz Sherry
26 ZachDFK JasonPaul jerlugon
27 战斗力只有5的渣渣 CleverFire DemonSailor
28 knife Bubu_man Marking
29 Mercy OlorinTheWise MajorVH
30 Noxifer Thalian XXX
31 a522569701 Naxzulas hwhwzn
32 FaIKo Jennard Antha1on
33 MssLucy DerJan ILKIRA
34 CUZMEISTER grimsamson SaucyCooper
35 Icecoffee shz632 Horsefield
36 Unknow94 GeorgeA BrewSir
37 FransB Damarcus Sinlaeshel
38 Thanos Dudrosa Eric_Ragnarok
39 Korshal Acoda BattleBeetle
40 AXXXA s_k_g NoName
41 cristalxey cheebamunky LennonMarx
42 Random7945 jipsy silssinho
43 哥布林小斧头 Salador Korshal
44 Scedevrale corbalt Unknow94
45 mawir OyTuNe Salador
46 HotDogPickle ssj1997 MersH
47 XxSiMoExX Squirellion RagMan
48 Iroas Noxifer prokl
49 Complex_Momentum GT100 LightsOutAce
50 Dreesen Jaberwocky Quadrick
51 sweetoverflow SrRender k100py
52 不变小螟蛉 Bane320 MaurO
53 Brilli的小号 TitusnBlossom PuffyAlpaca5512
54 XXX ZuuMykalis Cinimod
55 天涯魅影√ NotDeadYetDS Scedevrale
56 PetalPants2113 InternalTwin 1DrZo1
57 RageGlutton Johnkkez NivXx
58 ScubaSteve Stibium Skelle
59 FaintTwisted NaseUhrband065 Xxxxx
60 Bloodyraoul Bobomb MrPickles
61 marvin_the_imp KellyLaird BearsBeetsBG
62 Facit DekanvonWelt Kawo82
63 nvz11 Staggerschock Renegade
64 银月恶魔12138 raulpks goblingravy
65 tiaotiao BlackJack Baldav
66 YedDuck DanW298 GapMok
67 naram Fenix DanW298
68 Delicatvs65 Reaver Masto
69 htraos WilliamMunnyUFG PTKtempo
70 WorldKadenasJHG DantesFury ZachDFK
71 Shoriu Ralph boomerangguy
72 Ilyak1986 DemonSailor Cescoz
73 RostoMasculino Loldon 神王WZT
74 mjwgamer619 Criously TitusnBlossom
75 nastyHoneyB Zelda64 AntMan
76 Drian BrewSir 小小小小号
77 FangorianClaws OBrienJ xXXwamts69XXx
78 Iddin LetMeTryThis Blastoh
79 PhillyProton Glowstick scone
80 Barrylm Sticky Don-2
81 BlitzofChaos markslack Spinx2000
82 Vara556 TheBergund iron_man
83 LordPerth sirben12 碎月楼吟风
84 焚天大保剑 y0ttabyte Rainhall
85 Firewood Shiro wishforjustice
86 十个大吉机 intotheEnd Tassadar
87 sfitty bennybigrolls PhillyProton
88 DemonSailor mickysukiyaki chessdude
89 Stolzgolg drogskoll a522569701
90 kec23 BlindBeard 巧克力冰淇淋
91 STGyro spoonage1988 Warrior
92 TonyGeeeee Shimrra Jeswin
93 RisibleCap nahpetS Firewood
94 swaee Kindar Icecoffee
95 Loles Rispervisper wackpack
96 FrozenDrake 噫啊嗷啊尧 Bubu_man
97 ExcludedPenny22 1DrZo1 Murderofcrowss
98 SugarierRelic12 jele77 iceskylu
99 Trotheus teacher CoffeeParasol
100 nahpetS boomerangguy oniityan