Eternal Leaderboards: Chapter 92 – Lost
August 5, 2024Congrats to the Top 100!
Rank | Throne | Draft | Expedition |
1 | zargothrax | Bettorup | knife |
2 | MonkeyLovin | Pachi | Kevertlover |
3 | Sigher | dvinson80 | bamhand |
4 | J-zap | Serus | wishforjustice |
5 | Tonychou | knife | Graicais |
6 | Irunbad | SpewinChunks | neonharvest |
7 | Ragnarok | Phoenix | BaranHill |
8 | Delicatvs65 | Stammer | Bougredane |
9 | cluck | aging_goblin | hust_1037 |
10 | Player2023 | cheebamunky | Sherry |
11 | GabbySins | ItsTenz | BattleBeetle |
12 | LAOUSAFAITMALE | labrospaliopoulos | ILKIRA |
13 | diplomateserbe | itsme2283 | Blastoh |
14 | Dreklau | Ilyak1986 | CifICare |
15 | Dante | Shiva | Tassadar |
16 | YedDuck | Ifrit | Cinimod |
17 | Noxifer | Salador | Phoenix |
18 | PixelSorted | Pekanniska | MersH |
19 | trc_in_sb | Tremblor | Kawo82 |
20 | CMTool | raulpks | iron_man |
21 | Stolzgolg | spyderwebbz | RisibleCap |
22 | Essaria | TitusnBlossom | Nevermore |
23 | CasaduOyuncu | Thomas | silssinho |
24 | swaee | MegaKingSlayer | Scedevrale |
25 | 15346721 | grimsamson | xmenstorm289 |
26 | lorkan739 | TheClamburglar | Munsie |
27 | Valentine | ChesterDrawers | Upward |
28 | Swann | Greenspark | EmoBacon |
29 | pastuhowandrew | DekanvonWelt | dvinson80 |
30 | human2l | Madness | BlindBeard |
31 | 十个大吉机 | Tosamu | Skelle |
32 | nAo丶闹 | CleverFire | RRRRRRAMPAGE |
33 | juank | JasonPaul | 战斗力只有5的渣渣 |
34 | Billywsh | kuroniichiwa | iceskylu |
35 | SoraTendo | Naxzulas | 15346721 |
36 | MAD77 | OlorinTheWise | Malasombra |
37 | maucopto | Noxifer | 小小小小号 |
38 | daseinphil | Kasendrith | hwhwzn |
39 | metark | KevixM | shz632 |
40 | Nataniel63 | KendrickLamar | laduche |
41 | WorldKadenasJHG | ssj1997 | juank |
42 | LordCruznik | DemonSailor | Zelda64 |
43 | Thanos | Damarcus | Firewood |
44 | Graicais | SilentStorm | VladamirPootis |
45 | Azekeil | goblingravy | DemonSailor |
46 | CapitanoKidd | corbalt | wsgRon |
47 | Iroas | Eyasolis | fpj13512587953 |
48 | FUBAR | SrRender | raulpks |
49 | ju2s8k | LetMeTryThis | Smote |
50 | Bloodyraoul | teacher | GoodNews |
51 | 在下小帅喵 | TheBergund | ButchQueenBrian |
52 | BigSpaceGhost | drogskoll | Salador |
53 | MajorVH | s_k_g | Jennard |
54 | RageGlutton | kevinbolo | MaurO |
55 | orgg07 | Bubu_man | Someguy |
56 | RyllUmbra | PhillyProton | xXXwamts69XXx |
57 | Firewood | bennybigrolls | 搓澡澡错早早 |
58 | kec23 | shz632 | binbougami |
59 | Bearzerk | LucidIguana | Shadow |
60 | Moonzeman | Johnkkez | Renegade |
61 | Dijall | ClassyJoe | BrewSir |
62 | 夜道尽阑珊 | Zorger74 | KendrickLamar |
63 | TheAllFather | markslack | notyourbf |
64 | UndeadGuardian | Bobomb | Sv7652 |
65 | Icecoffee | Jaberwocky | Essaria |
66 | nvz11 | Potablava | 小智xzz |
67 | XXX | goswser | 巧克力冰淇淋 |
68 | Elyias | Icarus | jadiimjedi |
69 | andoalex | Donald | GapMok |
70 | PhileasDc | 我有心脏病 | Warrior |
71 | ruso69 | PixelSorted | Swann |
72 | Popthis | jele77 | weirdo |
73 | 牙疼的厉害 | Slepher | Ifrit |
74 | Owley | whodoes_that | jerlugon |
75 | DexIl | Essaria | Ddevil87 |
76 | 小小小小号 | chaos | Staplesauce |
77 | DemonSailor | Zelda64 | aleph0 |
78 | Jjumajji | bossie | DraconicNoble |
79 | STGyro | WilliamMunnyUFG | PuffyAlpaca5512 |
80 | vover | Kylorin | FittySpence |
81 | 沉默的世界 | mickysukiyaki | RagMan |
82 | aleph0 | yanne | boomerangguy |
83 | InnerYavo | Acoda | tvkelley |
84 | sfitty | ZuuMykalis | Gravekper |
85 | Dinisan | TempestDragonKing | Synge |
86 | Naxas | Shiro | AntMan |
87 | wsgRon | SecretShopper | Quadrick |
88 | KingJomy | DantesFury | Fernando |
89 | Brilli的小号 | Dudrosa | sigitas |
90 | Ricky Paulz | Melo_ | Unknow94 |
91 | RisibleCap | Spoon | Azadriel |
92 | Zoletan | Shimrra | Minazuki |
93 | iqbaldwi | 1DrZo1 | chessdude |
94 | khold | imsobad | DarkHarlequin |
95 | Uumpy | ManaBarbs | Melo_ |
96 | Spinx2000 | Complex_Momentum | yvenfil |
97 | miroslawtomaszewski77 | boomerangguy | A-Dawg1216 |
98 | GoldStarBrother | Velsevul | Sinlaeshel |
99 | Skelle | ReynardFox | Corpuscle |
100 | danilo1979 | RagMan | 是谁比较帅 |