Eternal Live Balance Update – 4/24/2024

Eternal Live Balance Update – 4/24/2024



Introducing the latest balance patch for Eternal—and this one’s geared towards draft aficionados! In this week’s update, we are taking a broad approach and making light adjustments to a full 20 cards, aimed at creating a refreshed draft meta where every card counts and your strategic expertise reigns supreme! 

Expedition Tweaks

Of course, we couldn’t leave Expedition hanging so here are two staples we’re adjusting: 

Expedition is in a healthy place overall right now, but we’re still seeing a few decks with higher win rates than we like. To address this, we’re implementing some changes targeting aggressive Fire-based decks intended to reduce their raw damage while adding some strategic depth. 

Calm Instructor as a 2/1 Quickdraw in the deck generates a lot of opportunities for bluffing and increasing the utility of fast damage spells. Meanwhile, tweaking some of Grove Supplier’s strength prompts opposing players to make more nuanced decisions about whether to prioritize eliminating the Supplier or the units it enhances, rather than defaulting to targeting the Supplier every time. 

Draft Buffs

The following adjustments are designed to inject some spice into the meta while also supporting specific factions and archetypes that may be lagging behind. 

Influence Nerfs

The following cards are all having a single point of influence requirement added:

We’re happy that multifaction decks have been such a hit in Battle Lines draft, but right now decks that run all the best cards across 4-5 factions are completely dominating more focused 2-3 faction archetypes. By increasing the influence requirements of some key commons and uncommons, we hope to create more impactful drafting decisions and increase deck diversity.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and can’t wait to see what you do!

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