Krogar’s Choice – Eternal Chapters June 2022
June 1, 2022A new month brings another Chapter to Eternal!
This month’s Chapter follows the story of Xultan survivor and Giant-for-hire Krogar! Play new story-based Missions each week in May to earn exclusive promo cards!
Break down your opponent’s defenses with this month’s first promo: Krogar, Burdened Hero!
Chapter promo cards cannot be crafted. They can only be obtained through Chapter Missions or by purchasing a Chapter Catch-Up Bundle.
Heroic Upgrade
You can purchase this Chapter’s Heroic Upgrade for 1000 Gems to get:
- The unique Skycrag Six theme deck
- 4x premium copies of each of this Chapter’s promo cards (16 total premium cards)
- A unique premium Krogar’s Choice avatar
Premium cards will be granted immediately after purchase for any Missions in a Chapter that a player has completed at the time of purchase. Upcoming premium cards in the Chapter will be granted after a player beats the associated Mission, or at the end of the month.
First Time Bonus
As a special bonus, if you’ve never completed a Chapter Mission, you will receive The Skycrag Six theme deck for free after completing this month’s first Mission, and the Heroic Upgrade price will be reduced to 500 Gems!
The Skycrag Six 75 cards
Eternal Chapters are a great way for players to earn cards and experience Eternal‘s story! Log in today to play the first Mission of this month’s Chapter and earn yourself the Sign of the Reborn promo card!
Stay up to date on Chapters and everything else coming to Eternal (and get a free pack with every email) by signing up for the Dire Wolf newsletter!