Munchkin Early Access Update
January 12, 2023Thank you so much to all of the Munchkin fans who have joined us in Early Access on Steam!
Over the past couple of months, we’ve made some pretty big strides towards getting ready for full cross-platform release, and learning from your feedback and play experiences have been more helpful than some Kneepads of Allure.
Along the way, we’ve expanded language support to French- and Spanish-speaking players, fine-tuned the turn timers and given you more control over the pace of your game, overhauled the process of asking for and giving help, and generally improved stability and the UX of the game as a whole. Even with all of the testing we do during development, it always takes real players playing real games to see how it all fits together. So thank you for your many swindles, betrayals, cocky victories and humiliating defeats – it’s gone a long way towards helping Munchkin reach the finish line.
We’ve still got a ways to go, but we’re anticipating being ready to leave Early Access by the end of February. When we do, we’ll be opening up cross-platform play with mobile devices, and going live in those storefronts, so get ready for a whole new set of daring adventurers to be kicking around the dungeon. And between now and then, we’ll be adding additional languages and continuing to work on a variety of updates and improvements to things like card VFX, the Inventory system, Asking for Help, and general pacing and polish across the board.
So stay tuned for more news once we have a date set, and be sure to subscribe to the Dire Wolf Newsletter for updates and more.
As always, thanks for your support, and thanks for playing Munchkin!
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